Banca Popolare di Sondrio, as part of the activities organized by its International Service, continues the initiatives to support the promotion of Made in Italy around the world.

From November 4 to 15, starting at 9:00 AM, in collaboration with Assocamerestero, one-to-one meetings with the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad will be organized.

Based on the requests received, a series of personalized 30-minute appointments will be scheduled via the Webex platform. During these meetings, the Chambers will provide the company with targeted information on: cultural approach to the target country; level of entry barriers; macro trends in the specific sector; operational aspects related to export; commercial strategies; investment opportunities.

Given the high added value of this type of consultancy, provided by qualified specialists, the initiative is exclusively dedicated to BPS’s clients, who can participate for free by registering by September 6 via the platform, where they will also be required to fill out a short questionnaire to collect the necessary information about the company and the type of business sought abroad.

For any further information, please contact any branch of the Bank or the International Service (tel. 0342.528783/553, email:

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