Banca Popolare di Sondrio and the other companies in the Group conduct their business in full compliance with the values and principles in their Code of Ethics, in full awareness that correctness, transparency, integrity and professionalism are essential conditions for sustainable economic development of the Community.

In the light of the new European regulations in the field of sustainable finance, the Bank's commitment to update its strategies and implement its processes is increasingly strong, in order to better integrate sustainability into the business, particularly regarding climate aspects.

The Bank's Code of Ethics outlines the values and principles of conduct, policies and regulations governing the Bank's activities and applies to each person operating or representing the Bank directly or indirectly, contributing to the implementation of corporate social responsibility.

The Sustainability Policy, approved by the Board of Directors in 2021, is our ‘guiding’ document for integrating sustainability into the Group’s business and operations, in terms of:

Sustainability Policy in terms of: social issues, environmental protection, enhancement of human resources, protection of human rights and fight against corruption

These values are reflected in the 2022-2025 Business Plan which, for the first time, has been integrated with the ESG Plan and includes 5 lines of action for a more sustainable business:


ESG Governance

Goals achieved by 2023

Further strengthening of ESG Governance

ESG training for all Group personnel

ESG compliance programme

Integration of ESG factors in Remuneration Policies

Internal behavioural guidelines for the reduction of environmental impacts

Strengthening of Level II and III ESG checks

2025 targets

Sustainable mobility operational plan

Operational plan on Diversity and Inclusion

Launch of the women leadership programme

International iniziative and ESG ratings

Goals achieved by 2023

Intensification of the dialogue with providers

Improvement of some ESG ratings

Support to TCFD

Joining Valore D

Joining the UN PRB and the Net-Zero Banking Alliance

2025 targets

Improvement of the ESG ratings/scoring

Business policies and strategies

Obiettivi raggiunti al 2023

ESG Credit Policy

Integrated Risk Management

First set of portfolio CO2 reduction targets

Definition of the counterparty ESG Score

Own funds: 10% comparto obbligazionario in strumenti ESG

Definition of ESG Investment Policy

2025 targets

Increase of the target on the ESG segment of the proprietary portfolio

Definition of the giving strategy

ESG ratings for suppliers

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ESG Data Governance

Products and services

Goals achieved by 2023

Expansion of ESG asset management lines

Integration of ESG topics into MiFID II questionnaire

New Green Bond issuance

New ESG Bond Framework

Development of new Green Loans

2025 targets

Integration of counterparties’ ESG Score with Taxonomy-alignment

Development of Taxonomy-aligned products

Reporting and communication

Goals achieved by 2023

Improvement of analyses concerning indirect emissions (Scope 3)

Integration of the NFS with the TCFD recommendations

Evolution of the contents of the NFS as regards the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the new reporting standards

2025 targets

Analysis of the environmental performance of real estate assets

Strengthening of the ESG communication strategy

ESG brand identity

In line with this path, BPS has joined the financial partnership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP FI) and the initiatives Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) and Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA).
These memberships allow us to express our traditional values of closeness to the territory and the communities in a renewed commitment to facing contemporary challenges.

Attachment Size
Code of Ethics 285.99 KB
Sustainability policy 1.15 MB