On the occasion of the second edition of the MF ESG Awards, an initiative organised by Class Editori, yesterday Banca Popolare di Sondrio received the 'MF Best ESG rating Award', an acknowledgement awarded for having obtained the Standard Ethics (EE) rating with a Positive Outlook, assigned last April, testifying to the attention paid to governance issues and the integration of ESG factors in the Bank's strategies.

The sustainability rating assigned by the independent agency Standard Ethics, the most authoritative agency specialised in issuing non-financial ratings, is derived from an objective analysis and provides a detailed snapshot of a company's positioning with respect to the sustainability and corporate governance guidelines promoted by the UN, OECD and European Union.

"We are very proud to receive, for the second year, this important award that confirms our commitment to the promotion and integration of sustainable and responsible business practices, as well as the soundness and effectiveness reflected in the strategies we implement in the medium and long term. In fact, Banca Popolare di Sondrio aspires to do its part by continuing to be a major player in the transition towards a more sustainable economic model," commented Massimo Perona, CFO of Banca Popolare di Sondrio, who attended the award ceremony.

In recent years, the Banca Popolare di Sondrio Group has embarked on a path aimed at integrating sustainability into its business model by defining, in the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, the main actions to be implemented and specific ESG objectives, following precise lines of action for an increasingly sustainable business.

Progress and future objectives are described in the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement and at the following link on the Bank's institutional website: https://istituzionale.popso.it/en/sustainability/our-commitment


Sondrio, 21 November 2023