Banca Popolare di Sondrio's International Service continues its training activities for the benefit of Italian companies interested in expanding their horizons and opening new business relationships in global markets

On October 16th, from 09:00 am to 13:00 pm, there will be a webinar dedicated to the forms of payments that can be activated in a foreign trade transaction. The topic will be addressed by field specialists from different perspectives, with a view to helping companies acquire the skills for the correct management of international financial operations.

On this occasion, we will also present from the voice of the authors the release of the publication “International Payments” edited by Domenico Del Sorbo and Federico Calvio.

The seminar will be transmitted on the Webex platform and participation is free of charge, upon registration by October 14th via the appropriate form available on BPS’s Business School platform at the following link:

For any further information, please contact any branch of the Bank or the International Service (tel. 0342.528783/156, email: