The Banca Popolare di Sondrio, the Fondazione Pro Valtellina and the local branch of the Fondazione Cariplo have set up a joint initiative to support reception projects of various natures in the Province of Sondrio for refugees coming from the Ukraine.

Donations to this fund, in the name of “Fondazione Pro Valtellina Onlus”, may be paid into the following current account which has been opened at the main branch of the
BPS:IT45 H 05696 11000 000043500X44
These transactions are exempt from fees or commission.
The fund opens with a significant contribution of €50,000 from the Fondazione Pro Valtellina, €75,000 from the Banca Popolare di Sondrio. Against these sums, The Fondazione Cariplo has provided a further €125,000. The total amount of €250,000 will be further increased by donations, hopefully numerous, which will be paid into the special account.

The Banca Popolare di Sondrio staff are readily available for any further information required on the project and to accept donations to the fund.

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